Monday, February 29, 2016

Writing this without “it”

Writing this without “it”

A symbol is all I must omit
it sounds straightforward and chill
but abruptly I’m so split
my mind is at a stand still

I'm in a crunch
My imagination got a hit
I must wrap this up by lunch
but I can’t think stop thinking about “it”

I must focus on finishing
but random words with “it” fly through my brain
my vocabulary is diminishing
what kind of post, if any, will I gain?

Actually, living without “it” isn’t so rough
I’m just a bit dramatic
but not having "it" is a bit tough
what I want to say is almost static

Phrasing what I want to say is always hard
as words may or may not contain “it”
but I’m not going to allow that to discard
my thoughts, I just add a lot of my wit.

Overall, writing this poem was definitely enjoyable, but also tricky. From the beginning, I wanted to add more dimension to the post, make it unique, so I took the prompt a bit further and made my lines follow the AB rhyming pattern. With this in mind, the biggest difficulty I faced was having to word my thoughts differently. I thought of one phrase, and checked to make sure that I could articulate it well without an “e.” When that was done, I decided how to break up the phrases, and then I considered what rhymed with the last word of each line. I definitely sought the help of a thesaurus to do this, and that was a little time consuming, but I just took the entire experience as a fun challenge. Admittedly I did I feel confined, per se, not being able to use “e,” but it was nice to consider expanding my vocabulary and thinking of alternatives. Overall, this was a challenging and thought-provoking prompt that I had fun completing.